
Monday Aug 28, 2023
Monday Aug 28, 2023
In Debbie Keever’s second sharing during the Hope Beyond Conference, she focuses on how hold we hold fast to the promises of God and to His character. She pulls this all together as she shares through three very personal life examples where she truly experienced and HE…is then anchor of hope for her soul.

Monday Aug 21, 2023
Monday Aug 21, 2023
In the second part of Laura Piraino’s testimony, we see that regardless of where we have come from, we always have hope. With Ruth 4 as a basis, we see a woman, Ruth, called exactly who she was and where she had been, but loved and advanced to the hope and future that awaited her. God does the same for us. Be encouraged by this clip from our 2015 women’s conference, Hope Beyond.

Monday Aug 14, 2023
Monday Aug 14, 2023
In a world where it is hard to see the hope in our difficult circumstances, this week’s episode taken from our Hope Beyond women’s conference speaks to the truth that regardless of where you find yourself, God is working to restore your hope and move in a way that is above and beyond what you could ever image. Join Laura Piraino as she shares her story of finding hope in a hard season and the profound way the Word of God points to the ultimate hope that we have in Jesus Christ.

Monday Aug 07, 2023
Monday Aug 07, 2023
Debbie and Laura are so excited about the upcoming Soar Beyond Women’s Conference on September 30th, at the Ocean City Tabernacle, OCNJ. Join us as we step back into Hope Beyond Women’s Conference in 2015 and enjoy parts of the four teachings that day. Hebrews 6:19 tells us that we have this hope as an anchor for our soul. Debbie shares in this teaching about the amazing parallels between her 23 years of boating on the Chesapeake, about the importance of anchors…and how we need to know that we are anchored in Christ.

Monday Jul 31, 2023
Monday Jul 31, 2023
Special guest, Traci Hutcherson, joins Debbie and Laura this week sharing how God has put a new passion in her heart coming out of a season of transition in 2020. Hear how her eyes have been open to the truth of spiritual warfare in the unseen battles that we face. Be encouraged in your new as she shares how God has put within her heart a passion for sharing the hope that we have in Jesus in new ways through her decor and DIY blog and social media platforms at Beneath My Heart and Hope Beneath My Heart.

Monday Jul 24, 2023
Monday Jul 24, 2023
As we continue in our Faith Builders series this week, Debbie and Laura share five non- negotiable building blocks needed to build our faith! Living according to these principles will encourage you in your faith journey today.

Monday Jul 17, 2023
Monday Jul 17, 2023
Suzanne Allison is our guest this week on this month’s Faith Builders podcast series. We all go through seasons where we feel stuck, whether it is in our job, relationship or walk with the Lord. Suzanne’s passion for helping women live free comes from her understanding of what God says about how we are to live and move. Let this episode be one that builds your faith, knowing you were meant to live free!

Monday Jul 10, 2023
Monday Jul 10, 2023
Join Laura Piraino and Debbie Keever in their month-long series called “Faith Builders”. We had the privilege of spending time with an incredible 18 year old, Micah Elliott, who shares her story about how the Heavenly Father has been…and continues to build her faith.

Monday Jul 03, 2023
Monday Jul 03, 2023
Welcome to a new month of podcasts in a series we are calling “Faith Builders”! Testimonies build our faith and so this month we are excited to share the stories of five individuals who are walking out the call the Lord has on their lives! Join Laura Piraino and Debbie Keever today as we chat with Joe Paollela, a man who has been referred to as “a legend” within the youth ministry called Young Life. His heart for evangelism and seeing unchurched youth encounter a loving God is extraordinary!

Monday Jun 26, 2023
Monday Jun 26, 2023
As we wrap up this fun month of podcasts where we have learned from some of the best fathers, Debbie and Laura are so excited to share this very special podcast with you! Join us while we sit back and listen to two amazing dads…the fathers of the children in the Keever and Piraino households…Dan Piraino and Ward Keever!