Beyond the Building

Welcome to Beyond the Building with Laura Piraino and Debbie Keever, founders of Beyond Womens Conference. You’re invited into meaningful conversations as we dig into God’s Word and learn how to apply them to our lives in practical ways that make a lasting impact.

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Monday Nov 06, 2023

We are kicking off a new series for the month of November called “I’ll Praise You Anywhere”. Joining Laura Piraino and Debbie Keever are Chip and Natalie Keever as they share a moving testimony of how the choice to praise the Lord in long seasons of waiting has been an instrument God has used to deepen their faith in Him.

Monday Oct 30, 2023

This week we go back to episode 53. The most important feature of anything that is built is the foundation. The health, stability, strength and integrity fully depend on having a foundation that is prepared to stand the test of time. Nicole Theis, founder and president of Delaware Family Policy Council (DFPC) is our special guest today as she shares about how the team at DFPC works daily to equip and embolden Christ followers in Delaware to take action to advance, defend, and intentionally preserve foundations of faith, family, and freedom in all the arenas that shape the culture.

Monday Oct 23, 2023

This week we go back to episode 26. We certainly live in a time of great chaos, but in the battles of this life, we can experience great peace. The peace of Christ is living undisturbed by the chaos around us and is only possible when we are fully suited up in the armor of God. God has given us the shoes of peace so we can stand in the struggle rather than collapse when the battle rages on. We can have peace in our battles today!

Monday Oct 16, 2023

This week we go back to episode 25. Our spiritual heart, also known as our soul, is the place that houses our emotions, our thought and our will. The enemy will do everything he can to get to our soul in order to influence our emotions, our thoughts and eventually get our will away from the Father’s will. God has given us a breastplate to guard our hearts in the battles of this life giving new meaning to the phrase ‘guard your heart’.

Monday Oct 09, 2023

This week we go back to episode 24. The first piece of the armor that we are to put on is the Belt Of Truth. For the soldier, every piece of armor rests or hangs on his belt. Likewise, in our lives, everything we believe and act upon must align with the truth. The truth is God’s opinion on the matter; what does His Word say to us? Our enemy operates in deception…how important it is then that we walk in truth!

Monday Oct 02, 2023

This week we go back to episode 23. Each of us is engaged in a battle with an unseen enemy, Satan. His plan is to steal, kill and destroy all that God has created. The day you received Christ as your Savior, the line was drawn and you became a target for Satan to attack. God has given us His armor, in Ephesians 6, to protect, to empower and to help us stand. Prayer, is the key. It is time to suit up!

Monday Sep 25, 2023

Join Laura and Debbie this final week in our series called, “When We Pray, as we chat with a gal, Valerie George, who is such a kindred spirit with both Debbie and Laura! Valerie has a passion to teach women how to really dig into the Word of God and has written several Bible studies that can be used for personal use as well as in a small group setting. Her latest book, Live Unoffended, is available for purchase on Amazon. Valerie is a speaker/teacher and is reachable on her website, You Can Know Ministries.

Monday Sep 18, 2023

Join Laura and Debbie this week as they chat with Jeff and Meagan Mapson who share a powerful testimony of crying out to the Lord for the life of their infant struggling with RSV. Praying the Word of God has always been their passion but the trial they walked through as parents solidified the importance of prayer.

Monday Sep 11, 2023

This week’s episode is a story you do not want to miss! Special guest, Carson Sellers, shares his powerful testimony that started when he was a twelve year boy battling a serious illness. Eleven years later Carson is now living in complete freedom after a miraculous healing. Hundreds of people all over the country were praying fervently for his healing. These are the miraculous things that happen when we pray. Carson’s journey will boost your faith and encourage you in your difficult journey.

Monday Sep 04, 2023

We are kicking off a new series for the month of September called, When We Pray! Join Debbie and Laura in this episode as they spend time listening to the inspiring testimony of Sam and Cyndi Sorbello of Ocean City, New Jersey. You will hear how their commitment to pray together as a couple opened up the doors for ministry in the heart of the town.

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