Beyond the Building

Welcome to Beyond the Building with Laura Piraino and Debbie Keever, founders of Beyond Womens Conference. You’re invited into meaningful conversations as we dig into God’s Word and learn how to apply them to our lives in practical ways that make a lasting impact.

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Tuesday Dec 15, 2020

The enemy is after our minds. If he can influence our thinking, then he can influence our behaviors and our emotions.
This teaching on the helmet of salvation will address how to recognize strongholds of thoughts that prevent us from walking in victory.

Monday Dec 14, 2020

Our only offensive weapon in the armor of God is our sword, the Word of God. This sword is unique and reveals truth that we can apply to our personal lives today.

Monday Nov 30, 2020

Distractions in life come at us from every angle but God has given us a shield to hold up against them. Active faith will keep us focused and protected on the battle at hand.

Monday Nov 23, 2020

We certainly live in a time of great chaos, but in the battles of this life, we can experience great peace.
The peace of Christ is living undisturbed by the chaos around us and is only possible when we are fully suited up in the armor of God.
God has given us the shoes of peace so we can stand in the struggle rather than collapse when the battle rages on. We can have peace in our battles today!

Monday Nov 16, 2020

Our spiritual heart, also known as our soul, is the place that houses our emotions, our thought and our will.
The enemy will do everything he can to get to our soul in order to influence our emotions, our thoughts and eventually get our will away from the Father’s will.
God has given us a breastplate to guard our hearts in the battles of this life giving new meaning to the phrase ‘guard your heart’.

Monday Nov 09, 2020

The first piece of the armor that we are to put on is the Belt Of Truth. For the soldier, every piece of armor rests or hangs on his belt.
Likewise, in our lives, everything we believe and act upon must align with the truth. The truth is God’s opinion on the matter; what does His Word say to us?
Our enemy operates in deception…how important it is then that we walk in truth!

Monday Nov 02, 2020

Each of us is engaged in a battle with an unseen enemy, Satan.
His plan is to steal, kill and destroy all that God has created. The day you received Christ as your Savior, the line was drawn and you became a target for Satan to attack.
God has given us His armor, in Ephesians 6, to protect, to empower and to help us stand. Prayer, is the key. It is time to suit up!

Monday Oct 26, 2020

Every good story is meant to be shared and that includes our stories, too!
God has written a specific plot line for each of our stories with the purpose of growing us and encouraging others.
Sharing our stories leaves us vulnerable and often uncertain of what to say or how to say it. In this week’s episode, hear practical teaching from God’s Word on how to share your story with others today."

21. Your Favorite Chapters

Monday Oct 19, 2020

Monday Oct 19, 2020

We all have had them: those chapters, or seasons of our lives that were our favorites. We wish we could relive (re-read) them again and again! These sweet seasons are meant to be enjoyed.
However, the Bible provides some wise counsel for how to not make some critical mistakes in life while you are sitting back and enjoying these favorite chapters!

Monday Oct 12, 2020

Every good story that we hear or read starts with an introduction followed by a significant conflict.
From there, the action rises with chapters full of challenges until finally we reach a place where there is a turning point.
In this week’s episode we will hear how it is in these perhaps unpleasant chapters of our story that our character is developed preparing us to identify with those who come behind us who have a very similar story.

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