Beyond the Building

Welcome to Beyond the Building with Laura Piraino and Debbie Keever, founders of Beyond Womens Conference. You’re invited into meaningful conversations as we dig into God’s Word and learn how to apply them to our lives in practical ways that make a lasting impact.

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59. The Cost of Freedom

Monday Jul 19, 2021

Monday Jul 19, 2021

Freedom comes at a cost. May we never forget the lives sacrificed so we can be free. Our freedom spiritually was also costly...may we never forget.

Monday Jul 12, 2021

When given the opportunity to study the Constitution of our country in great depth at a summer program in Washington DC, Sandy learned tremendous lessons on the freedom we have as American citizens. What God spoke to her heart during this season was an even greater lesson. Why do we desire justice? Tune in this week to hear the answer.

Monday Jul 05, 2021

July’s podcasts are about “Our Freedom”! We kick off this series with an amazing testimony of how the Lord walked alongside Carolina life...and on her journey towards becoming a U.S. citizen.

Monday Jun 28, 2021

Spiritual disciplines are practices that we find in the Word of God that the church has been doing since its formation. God uses these disciplines to strengthen our spiritual growth here on earth with blessings that go into eternity. Why is it so hard to establish and maintain these practices? Today’s episode shares encouraging practical advice on how to train ourselves for godliness by utilizing these disciplines.

Monday Jun 21, 2021

What does it really take to create memories that will last for a lifetime? You might be surprised to learn that the art of creating significant moments has a few common denominators. It doesn’t need to be that complicated!

Monday Jun 14, 2021

We all have a desire to leave behind a legacy, something of value and worth that will be passed on to generations to come. It is of even greater importance to leave behind a spiritual legacy. What are some practical steps we can use to create and pass on this kind of legacy? Find out today as we look in the Word of God to uncover the truth behind the legacy we desire to create.

Monday Jun 07, 2021

The most important feature of anything that is built is the foundation. The health, stability, strength and integrity fully depend on having a foundation that is prepared to stand the test of time. Nicole Theis, founder and president of Delaware Family Policy Council (DFPC) is our special guest today as she shares about how the team at DFPC works daily to equip and embolden Christ followers in Delaware to take action to advance, defend, and intentionally preserve foundations of faith, family, and freedom in all the arenas that shape the culture.

Monday May 31, 2021

Influencers are people whose opinions compete for your attention. Influencers can be in your family, in your peer group and in culture itself. The choice you need to make is: will you value God’s opinion of you more than the opinion of an influencer?

Monday May 24, 2021

Tammy Holland joins Beyond the Building to help open our eyes to the dark world of human trafficking. These victims require special care in rediscovering…who they are after having identities stolen by their traffickers.

Monday May 17, 2021

In a performance driven society, we can get tangled in the lie that our identity is found in the strengths that God has given us. Culture seeks to glorify what we do and how well we do it. What we find in this episode is that our strengths are tools that God gives us in order to live out our purpose, but never intended to define who we are.

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