
Monday Sep 27, 2021
Monday Sep 27, 2021
An 11 year struggle with infertility led Dawn and her husband down a hard and painful path. For years she wanted to be pregnant, asking God for the desire of her heart. It wasn’t until she came to the understanding that the first step in receiving the desires of our heart is to align our desires with His. This realization started a miracle story that will encourage your heart and strengthen your faith.

Monday Sep 20, 2021
Monday Sep 20, 2021
Christine Robinson joins Debbie and Laura in a powerful story about how 20 years ago, the Lord placed a call on her life to create a network of connecting local churches and those bringing children into their homes in the foster system. Sometimes the span of time between when God calls you, and when He says...GO...is longer than you imagine it should be. God used those 20 years in Christine’s life to prepare and mature her for significant ministry.

Monday Sep 13, 2021
Monday Sep 13, 2021
While relocating from India to the United States, God put a specific word on Merina’s heart. He was bringing her to a new country for a specific purpose. Many years later, Merina would come to realize that call and step into her God-given purpose. Ministering to women with unplanned pregnancies, Merina’s call speaks life and encourages us to pursue our call, speaking life to the hurting around us, as well.

Monday Sep 06, 2021
Monday Sep 06, 2021
So often life does not turn out as we expected and it is very easy to lose sight of the vision that God had given to us. Laura Matera, a director with Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA), joins Laura and Debbie with a powerful testimony about how God strengthened her to hold onto the vision the Lord had given to her and her husband Joe. She shared about life’s unexpected turn with the passing of her husband, leaving to raise three young girls...and how He enabled her to pick up the torch to continue to build a powerful ministry among surfers and skaters within FCA.

Monday Aug 30, 2021
Monday Aug 30, 2021
We are each created with significance - not because of what we can accomplish but rather, because of who God has declared us to be. We need to go back to the beginning, to the Garden of Eden, to discover the truth about our significance.

Monday Aug 23, 2021
Monday Aug 23, 2021
Each of us craves connection with others. We want to know...and we want to be known. Join us as we go back to the Garden of Eden to discover God’s design for intimacy with His creation.

Monday Aug 16, 2021
Monday Aug 16, 2021
Misplaced priorities lead to a misplaced center... It had been 60 years since Israel had heard the book of the Law of the Lord. Slowly pushed aside from its place of prominence, other things took the center. In 2 Kings 22, the Law of the Lord was found. What an impact going back to the Word was for Israel and what an impact it has on us.

Monday Aug 09, 2021
Monday Aug 09, 2021
Seasons of wandering and seasons of walking from God’s ways can leave us in a place where we are no longer pursuing the original call God has on our lives. With Moses and Samson as examples, Laura and Debbie dig into God’s Word to uncover the way to return and pursue again our calling.

Monday Aug 02, 2021
Monday Aug 02, 2021
After her husband, Winslow Simmons, passed, Darlene found herself in a broken state, struggling to desire to live a full life again.
She began to speak out ‘I choose life’, a phrase that not only restored her joy but sparked within her a new way to cook and eat. Darlene’s journey inspires us to choose life as we seek God for choices in our diet.

Monday Jul 26, 2021
Monday Jul 26, 2021
When God speaks a word to our hearts, it will come to pass. After a robbery at her home, God spoke to Laura Piraino that she would have the opportunity to share the love of Jesus with the one who had caused the offence. After five years of silence, God brought the moment to pass and with it came the opportunity to forgive God’s way. We may think the story is over, but the freedom that comes through forgiveness opens doors we never imagined.