Beyond the Building

Welcome to Beyond the Building with Laura Piraino and Debbie Keever, founders of Beyond Womens Conference. You’re invited into meaningful conversations as we dig into God’s Word and learn how to apply them to our lives in practical ways that make a lasting impact.

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Monday Dec 06, 2021

Feeling left out is not a good feeling; and yet it is likely something that you have felt at some time in your life. There is something about the holidays to accentuate this emotion of sadness of not being included. Jesus understands how you are feeling. The Christmas story offers hope to those who have been hurt by feeling left out. In this opening episode, we will take a look specifically at how Jesus experienced being left out...and how we can love others with a greater sensitivity.

Monday Nov 29, 2021

Revelation 12:11 states that we overcome the accusations by the enemy through the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony. In this podcast, Christa DiEmedio shares a powerful testimony of the transformative work of the Holy Spirit as He brought the prodigal home.

Monday Nov 22, 2021

Many of us find ourselves in challenges today. The early church was certainly in a season of struggle as they were persecuted and scattered in Paul’s time, but Paul shares an amazing image in 2 Thessalonians 2:14 that can radically change our perspective in our challenges allowing us to truly be grateful in all circumstances.

Monday Nov 15, 2021

Missy Reimer’s world was radically disrupted when she was informed by physicians that she had a 5% chance of surviving a cancer diagnosis. Her answer was simple: “My God is bigger than your 5% chance.” Missy joins Debbie and Laura in sharing her powerful testimony of how choosing gratitude was critical to her journey through battling a rare cancer.

Monday Nov 08, 2021

Jonathan Gonzalez joins Debbie and Laura today with an absolutely powerful testimony of how a lost young man cries out to an unknown God from the midst of a tragic car accident and discovers not only his identity but his purpose for living as he is introduced to the One who literally spared his life. is the best way to connect with him if you would like to learn more about his speaking ministry.

Monday Nov 01, 2021

As we enter November, our hearts are reminded to have an attitude of gratitude. While we often look for ways to express gratitude, it’s equally important to recognize what is keeping us from living with a heart of gratitude. This week, Debbie and Laura share four roadblocks to maintaining a grateful heart and discuss ways we can avoid them.

Monday Oct 25, 2021

There were two men who found themselves walking along a road to Emmaus with the resurrected Jesus...but failed to recognize His presence there with them. As a believer, filled with the presence of the Holy Spirit, how is it that we often find ourselves failing to recognize that He truly walks through life with us? Join Debbie and Laura as they conclude this series with our final teaching, Unmasking His Presence.

Monday Oct 18, 2021

Making the decision to follow Jesus is the beginning of a wonderful journey! In that moment we see Him as our Deliverer, the One Who sets us free from what has kept us bound. As we continue to follow Jesus, we begin to realize that seeing Him as Deliverer is only the beginning. Following Jesus is a lifelong journey of knowing Him in new and deeper ways. Every step we take with Him removes another mask from our eyes, allowing us to see Him more clearly.

Monday Oct 11, 2021

Have you ever wondered where God is in your story? Maybe you have questioned His plan or wondered if He really has a purpose for you. Esther’s story shows us that while the answers to these questions may seem to be hidden in your story, God is over it all and will reveal Himself, His plans and His purpose in His time. Your part is to trust in Him.

Monday Oct 04, 2021

Have you ever felt like you have been dropped: wounded by someone else’s carelessness or meanness? Mephibosheth grew up with a hidden identity, having two lame feet as a result of having been dropped. He was called before the king, the mask was dropped and he found that there was a place at the kings’ table...just for him.

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