Beyond the Building

Welcome to Beyond the Building with Laura Piraino and Debbie Keever, founders of Beyond Womens Conference. You’re invited into meaningful conversations as we dig into God’s Word and learn how to apply them to our lives in practical ways that make a lasting impact.

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Monday Feb 14, 2022

February is a month where we are focusing on the topic of relationships, and more specifically, our spiritual friendships. What do we do, however, when we have a friendship that is…”complicated”? Sometimes our friendships feel like that tangled ball of Christmas lights! What does the BIble say to us about unraveling those…complicated relationships?

Monday Feb 07, 2022

Spiritual friendships are gifts to us on our journey in following Jesus. In a world where friendships are easily fractured and quickly canceled, friendships based on the truth of God’s Word are called to be different. These relationships are not based on competition, but on covenant. Are we friends who lay aside our own plans to see our spiritual friends live in the fullness of the call God has placed on them?

Monday Jan 31, 2022

Laura Piraino walked the painful road of infertility, longing to transition to ‘mom’ as she waited to see with her eyes what God had spoken to her heart. Hear in this episode how God will use you waiting time to position you for a miracle that is beyond what you dreamed possible.

Monday Jan 24, 2022

Special guest, Traci Hutcherson, joins Debbie and Laura this week sharing how God has put a new passion in her heart coming out of a season of transition in 2020. Hear how her eyes have been open to the truth of spiritual warfare in the unseen battles that we face. Be encouraged in your new as she shares how God has put within her heart a passion for sharing the hope that we have in Jesus in new ways through her decor and DIY blog and social media platforms at Beneath My Heart and Hope Beneath My Heart.

Monday Jan 17, 2022

Hear how God shapes our hearts during difficult new seasons with special guest, Sandy Lyon. In this week’s episode. Sandy knows about experiencing hard times in the new. After relocating her family 8 times during her sons’ formative years, Denver became home base for 12 years. Sandy flourished in new relationships, started a new business and lived in a tremendous spiritual community until God called them away again. This move contained more pain than she could have imagined but God was using this painful season to create a heart of compassion in Sandy that has impacted many on the way.

Monday Jan 10, 2022

New seasons are exciting but often come on the heels of silent seasons. We are tempted in these silent seasons to feel hopeless and forgotten but God is moving in these seemingly silent moments to order events and orchestrate steps preparing the way for what He has for us in the new. Avoiding the silent season leaves us unprepared for what He has coming our way.

83. It’s Not a Resolution

Monday Jan 03, 2022

Monday Jan 03, 2022

Tis the season…of making fabulous resolutions that deep down, you doubt you will keep! This is a month of celebrating the “NEW” that a relationship with Christ brings to your life. The Word of God tells us that in Him, He has made all things new. We love that! However, have you noticed that you still struggle with sin? Join us as we share some practical tools for seeing God continue…to make all things new in your walk with Him as you surrender to His Lordship.

82. You’re Invited

Monday Dec 27, 2021

Monday Dec 27, 2021

Feeling left out was a part of Eunice Lai’s story. For years, the lies that the enemy told her left her feeling excluded and not good enough. Recently, during a very serious month long bought with Covid, Eunice experienced an outpouring of love from family, friends and strangers. This allowed her to realize the importance and uniqueness of the part of the body of Christ that she was created to be! Join Eunice as she shares her journey and invites you into the story, to know that you are not left out. There is a place at the table of God for you!

Monday Dec 20, 2021

The single most important message that can be shared in any season is this: Jesus came to earth so we would not be left out. In today’s episode, Debbie and Laura share from the Word of God the most important gift of all, the gift of salvation. This gift is for everyone, no one has to be left out. Listen in and share this life changing message. It might just be the gift that changes the story for you or for someone you love.

Monday Dec 13, 2021

As we continue in our series called “Not Left Out”, we focus today on the irony of the “in crowd” in the Christmas story...actually being left out...and the “out crowd”...actually being included “in”, in one of the most significant moments ever...the birth of the Messiah!
Have you experienced the pain of believing yourself to be in the “out crowd” of life? There is a powerful word for you in this Christmas story and it is all about achieving HIS perspective of what/who is really important!

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