Beyond the Building

Welcome to Beyond the Building with Laura Piraino and Debbie Keever, founders of Beyond Womens Conference. You’re invited into meaningful conversations as we dig into God’s Word and learn how to apply them to our lives in practical ways that make a lasting impact.

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109. Make A Decision!

Monday Jul 04, 2022

Monday Jul 04, 2022

Laura and Debbie are joined by Debbie’s father, Curt Conn, as they kick off a new monthly series called “Feeling Stuck”. Making decisions is a part of our everyday lives and yet, so often, we can find ourselves just feeling stuck in making a final decision. They goal for every believer is to have our decisions align with God’s will for us. Curt shares a powerful tool called, “The 5 W’s”, which helps the believer discover God’s best choice for us.

Monday Jun 27, 2022

Join Laura and Debbie as they share from their own journals, their personal use of the R.E.A.D.S.’s in studying Jesus’ interaction with children.
Remember, Jesus told us in John 14 that if you want to understand who the Father is…to look at Him. The text for today’s podcast is found in Mark 10:13-16.
If you are new to this podcast, please go back and listen to episode #92 to learn how to use this powerful tool that combines excellent study of the Bible passage, combined with hearing the Holy Spirit’s personal application as you learn to discern His voice.

Monday Jun 20, 2022

Special Guest, Curt Conn, joins Laura and Debbie again as they use the R.E.A.D.S.’s Bible Study tool to look at The Father’s Take…on the father of the prodigal son. The text for today’s podcast is found in Luke 15:11-32. Curt Conn is Debbie Keever’s father and is the one who first shared the R.E.A.D.S.’s Bible study tool with her years ago. If you are new to this podcast, please go back and listen to episode #92 to learn how to use this powerful tool that combines excellent study of the Bible passage, combined with hearing the Holy Spirit’s personal application as you learn to discern His voice.

Monday Jun 13, 2022

Join Laura and Debbie as they share from their own journals, their personal use of the R.E.A.D.S.’s in studying a fascinating father in the Old Testament…Noah.The text for today’s podcast is found in Luke 15:11-32. If you are new to this podcast, please go back and listen to episode #92 to learn how to use this powerful tool that combines excellent study of the Bible passage, combined with hearing the Holy Spirit’s personal application as you learn to discern His voice.

Monday Jun 06, 2022

Special guest, Curt Conn, joins Laura and Debbie as they use the R.E.A.D.S.’s Bible Study tool to look at an influential father in the Old Testament, Abraham. The text for today’s podcast is found in Genesis 11:1-19. Curt Conn is Debbie Keever’s father and is the one who first shared the R.E.A.D.S.’s Bible study tool with her years ago. If you are new to this podcast, please go back and listen to episode #92 to learn how to use this powerful tool that combines excellent study of the Bible passage, combined with hearing the Holy Spirit’s personal application as you learn to discern His voice.

Monday May 30, 2022

Debbie shares about how she wore masks for years, trying to fit in and please others until she finally realized that she had lost who she really was. She shares in this episode the powerful “unmasking” of her identity and finding freedom in embracing who God calls her.

Monday May 23, 2022

Is it possible to experience life in our desert seasons? Today’s episode speaks to the importance of planting seeds in places where we do not currently see life. If we look at our circumstances from a natural point of view, it is easy to think that planting seeds in dry seasons would be a waste of time, but seeing it from a Biblical perspective shows us that planting seeds in dry places works for our good and God’s glory.

Monday May 16, 2022

Our dry seasons are places where we feel abandoned, forgotten and lonely. In these difficult seasons, we can be assured that God has provided for our every need, including protection from the enemy of our souls in these places. Join Debbie and Laura as they share a moment from the desert and Jesus’ desert season to encourage you in your challenging place.

101. Digging For Treasures

Monday May 09, 2022

Monday May 09, 2022

Isaiah 58:11 reminds us that the Lord’s presence in their lives is similar to that large underground reservoir of water that is available to every believer. Why do we see such vast differences between believers in areas of the fruits of the Spirit, of answered prayer, of anointing and of intimacy with the Father? The difference comes from whether or not we are willing to really dig down deep into the reservoir of His presence.

100. Hidden Treasures

Monday May 02, 2022

Monday May 02, 2022

Welcome to a new series, “Treasures in the Desert”, in the month of May! Both Laura and Debbie have spent time in deserts: Debbie visited Palm Desert in California and Laura visited Dubai, a city in the United Arab Emirates. There is a powerful parallel to be shared as we focus on Isaiah 58:11 and how each believer has the same reservoir of rivers of living water available to them. The question that needs to be asked is “why then do some believers live like they are dried up and lacking life while others are thriving?

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